Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:24:08 PM

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Test drive us for 30 days for free! Spots are limited.
Our website receives over hits per month, giving your ad the potential for 100,000+ monthly views.
Christian-based non-profits: Banner ads are free! Limited space available.

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Benefits of Advertising on

  • Huge reach: With monthly hits, your ad will be seen by a substantial audience
  • Targeted viewers: Our website focuses on IT and cybersecurity topics, ensuring your ad reaches people interested in your industry/niche
  • Affordable pricing: Introductory ad price of just $250 per month for up to 100k+ views
  • Prominent placement: Your banner ad will appear in high-visibility locations throughout the site
  • Association with quality content: Advertising on our trusted, authoritative site lends credibility to your brand
  • Free banner ads for Christian-based non-profits (subject to availability)

Ad Requirements:

  • All advertiser domains must pass VirusTotal and Spamhaus checks for security and legitimacy
  • Advertiser websites must have a valid HTTPS certificate
  • Advertiser domain must be at least one year old
  • Banner must be relevant to one of the main topics covered on (see site for categories)
  • Colors and design should complement the look and feel of our website
  • The banner size must be exactly 1050 by 150 to match the existing ads on the site and ensure visual consistency
  • No adult content, gambling, or illegal products/services allowed in banner advertisements
  • Banners must be static images in JPG or static PNG format. No animated formats (including animated PNGs, GIFs, or WebP) are accepted
  • Maximum file size for banner images is 200 KB to ensure fast loading times
  • Banners may link to the advertiser's own business website or use affiliate links (for paid customers only). All links, including affiliate links, must be disclosed. No redirects between different domain names are allowed - the link must lead directly to the final destination
  • During the trial period, only direct links to the advertiser's own business website are allowed; affiliate links are restricted to paid customers
  • Ad content must be high-quality, free of spelling errors, and professionally designed
  • Ad rotation and frequency will be managed to ensure variety for users
  • All ads must comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)

Why Advertise With Us:

  1. We have a large, loyal reader base that trusts our content
  2. Advertising with us is a cost-effective way to gain exposure to a targeted audience
  3. Your banner will appear alongside engaging, regularly updated content
  4. Our site layout encourages visitors to browse multiple pages, increasing ad views
  5. Our introductory price provides excellent value for the number of potential views
  6. Customize your reach with our zip code-based geo-targeting feature

To protect both parties, all advertising payments are securely processed via PayPal.

Interested in advertising with Let us help you reach a wider audience and grow your business.

Fill out the form below to get started

God Is Love - 1 John 4:7-21