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Currently in DFW, the temperature is 39°F (feels like 39°F). Today's high will be 58°F. Today's low will be 33°F. Humidity is 73%. Dew point is 31°F. Visibility is 10 miles. Cloud cover is 14%. Winds are ESE at 2 mph. Air quality is Moderate (AQI: 88) due to Particle Pollution (2.5 microns).
NWS/AirNow DFW Additional Weather Info
DFW Sunrise & Sunset
Sunrise 7:28 AM
Moon Phase Waning Gibbous
Sunset 5:45 PM
DFW Air Quality
Particle Pollution (2.5 microns)
Moderate conditions - Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged outdoor activities
Discover the story of the Vickers 559, a British supersonic interceptor designed to outpace Soviet bombers. With advanced canard designs, Mach 2.5 speed, and nuclear missile capabilities, this aircraft was set to redefine air defense before geopolitical shifts changed its course.
Snow will turn into sleet and freezing rain along parts of the Southeast, as well as southern Arkansas, the weather service reported. Forecasters warn that icy conditions, between a tenth and a quarter inch of ice, will make travel dangerous for many. Power outages and downed branches are also a concern.
A Winter Storm Warning is now in effect for the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Check for live updates on the weather forecast, DFW road conditions, school closings, flight cancelations, and more.
Winter Storm Cora is bearing down on the southern United States, bringing a brutal blast of frigid winter air with snow, ice and extreme temperatures across a 1,400 mile long swath from Texas to the Carolinas.