Saturday 27th of July 2024 05:37:04 AM

Found 56 News Articles for "PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN"

About - Dallas-Fort Worth Church Eleven 32
About - Dallas-Fort Worth Church Eleven 32
Church Eleven32 is a non-denominational church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We are dedicated to being a place for all people to know God.
St Sava Orthodox Church - Allen, TX
St Sava Orthodox Church - Allen, TX
Discover the roots of Christianity with the Orthodox Church, a faith tradition tracing back nearly 2,000 years to Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Orthodox Christianity preserves the original teachings, practices, and sacraments established by the early Church, offering a direct connection to apostolic times. With a rich history spanning continents and cultures, Orthodoxy emphasizes right worship and belief, carefully guarding the truth passed down through Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Experience the depth and authenticity of this ancient yet living faith as you explore the origins of Christian spirituality.
Helping Persecuted Christians in Kenya ‘Face the Future’ - International Christian Concern

Blasphemy Laws & Persecution of Christians in Pakistan - Providence
Blasphemy Laws & Persecution of Christians in Pakistan - Providence
The use of blasphemy laws to persecute Christians in Pakistan is an increasingly widespread practice
Persecution of Christians in China Spreads to Hong Kong
Persecution of Christians in China Spreads to Hong Kong
The persecution of Christians in mainland China is now spreading to Hong Kong, warns Release International, which serves the persecuted Church
Pfluger decries Christians’ persecution
Pfluger decries Christians’ persecution
The worldwide repression, persecution and murder of Christians has gotten the attention of Congressman August Pfluger, who says he will use his position as chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Intelligence and Law Enforcement to address the crisis. “The persecution of Christians around the world continues to be appalling,” Pfluger said from Washington, [...]
Biden administration under fire in Nigeria over religious freedom report - Crux Now

Advocate dispels myths about persecuted believers - Baptist Standard

Annual Day of the Christian Martyr encourages personal sacrifice for Gospel -

A message from persecuted believers to the West - Mission Network News
A message from persecuted believers to the West - Mission Network News
Russia (MNN) — Persecuted believers in the Caucasus ask for prayer and for the Western Church to press after God during its time of freedom.
In ‘Disciples in the Moonlight,’ US Christians Are Persecuted and the Bible Is Banned
In ‘Disciples in the Moonlight,’ US Christians Are Persecuted and the Bible Is Banned
Mike Pence praised the Christian action film as a 'cautionary tale' that should 'inspire people of faith to do even more to protect religious freedom in America.'
51 ways to pray for Christians during the Summer Olympics · Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Open Doors US

Church of England General Synod backs day of prayer for persecuted Christians around the world - Anglican Ink

Eight Christians killed, 2 kidnapped in Nigeria - Alabama Baptist

Persecuted Chinese house church leader gives inside look at government crackdown on Christianity - Washington Times

Faith Under Fire with Abby Johnson - International Christian Concern
Today, I'm excited to share with you an interview I recently did Abby Johnson on the Politely Rude podcast. It was a privilege to speak with her about my time with ICC and persecution around the world .For believers in the West, where persecution is less obvious, it's easy to overlook the harsh reality that the suffering church faces day in and day out. It takes intentional effort to face these uncomfortable truths and reach out to care for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Thank you for doing your part to stay informed and faithfully support our persecuted family.
Is Russia Persecuting Ukrainian Christians? Jeff King Discusses on Newsmax - International Christian Concern

Hope House: Breaking the Cycle of Persecution Around the World - International Christian Concern

5 Christians Killed in Hwrra Village Attack - International Christian Concern

Has Technology Increased Persecution? - International Christian Concern

Vietnamese Christian Activist’s Extradition Hearing Postponed - International Christian Concern

Neural Pathways of Persecution - International Christian Concern

Son of Bihar Pastor Killed as He Slept at Home - International Christian Concern
Son of Bihar Pastor Killed as He Slept at Home - International Christian Concern
In the middle of the night on July 7, Hindu extremists broke into the home of Pastor Sushil Kumar and killed his teenage son as he slept.  
ICC Releases Report on Concerning Religious Persecution Trends in Nigeria - International Christian Concern
ICC Releases Report on Concerning Religious Persecution Trends in Nigeria - International Christian Concern
International Christian Concern (ICC) released a report on Wednesday outlining concerning religious freedom conditions for Christians in Nigeria. 
Chinese Officials Propose Harsher Restrictions for Christians - International Christian Concern

A Silent Slaughter: The Ongoing Persecution of Christians in Nigeria - International Christian Concern
A Silent Slaughter: The Ongoing Persecution of Christians in Nigeria - International Christian Concern
During the past week, Islamic Fulani extremists have killed numerous Christians in North Central Nigeria, particularly in Benue and Plateau states.
Major Gathering of Converts From Islam to Christianity in Iraq
Major Gathering of Converts From Islam to Christianity in Iraq
When someone converts from Islam to Christianity in Iraq it can spell a death sentence for them but men and women are taking this bold step.
Film: In ‘Disciples in the Moonlight’, US Christians are persecuted and the Bible is banned - Sight Magazine
Film: In ‘Disciples in the Moonlight’, US Christians are persecuted and the Bible is banned - Sight Magazine
Mike Pence praised the Christian action film as a "cautionary tale" that should "inspire people of faith to...protect religious freedom"...
New episodes of religious persecution in Pakistan and Nicaragua - Rome Reports
New episodes of religious persecution in Pakistan and Nicaragua - Rome Reports
Aid to the Church in Need reports that severe religious persecution is currently present in 28 countries.
Baptist evangelist tied down with ropes, killed by Muslim extremists in Uganda
Baptist evangelist tied down with ropes, killed by Muslim extremists in Uganda
An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was killed after leading Muslims and others to Christ in eastern Uganda, sources said
Religious Persecution Takes Center Stage in Indian Parliament - International Christian Concern
Religious Persecution Takes Center Stage in Indian Parliament - International Christian Concern
In a speech this week in India’s lower house of parliament, Rahul Gandhi, leader of the opposition, raised the issue of violent Hindu nationalism before an audience that included Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Suicide bombings kill Christians, Muslims in Nigeria | The Alabama Baptist
Suicide bombings kill Christians, Muslims in Nigeria | The Alabama Baptist
Three suicide bombings in Nigeria killed more than 30 people in late June.
Pakistani Christians Seek Freedom From Debt Slavery
Pakistani Christians Seek Freedom From Debt Slavery
Organization aims to liberate victims from predatory loans and forced labor in brick kilns.
Radical Hindu Mob Attacks House Church - International Christian Concern
Radical Hindu Mob Attacks House Church - International Christian Concern
More than 35 Hindus attacked a house church on Sunday in Dehradun in the northern hill state of Uttarakhand, severely injuring the family that hosted the gathering and vandalizing the home. 
Malaysian Government Official Accused of Christian Evangelism - International Christian Concern
Malaysian Government Official Accused of Christian Evangelism - International Christian Concern
A former top police official has accused Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh of evangelizing and wanting to turn Malaysia into a Christian nation.
Conservative evangelicals claim they are being persecuted by not being allowed to persecute LGBTQ foster kids
In the latest episode of conservative Christianity’s persecution complex, the Biden administration is accused of discriminating against Christians by prohibiting them from fostering kids. “Biden Takes Aim at Christian Foster Care,” one headline from the American Family Association claims. “The Biden Regime has proposed a new plan that will essentially bar Christians or anyone else who opposes...
‘Disciples in the Moonlight’ movie stars on Christian persecution, miracles - Washington Times

Eritrea: Over 200 Christians arrested in past twelve months
Eritrea: Over 200 Christians arrested in past twelve months
A 3 July report states that at least 218 Christians had been arrested in Eritrea within the past 12 months, many of them women and children.
18 Christians killed by Fulani extremists during overnight assault in Nigeria
18 Christians killed by Fulani extremists during overnight assault in Nigeria
Fulani attackers killed 18 Christians in a late-night assault on Friday in central Nigeria, area residents said
Transforming a Generation in India and Beyond - International Christian Concern
Transforming a Generation in India and Beyond - International Christian Concern
07/22/2024 India (International Christian Concern) – India is witnessing a profound shift among young adults through ICC’s Generation Transformation (GT) program. We aim to break the cycle of poverty and persecution by offering educational and vocational training opportunities that promise a brighter, more stable future. A Legacy of Support and Sustainability For years, ICC has aided […]
News - Agenzia Fides
News  Agenzia Fides
Why your new MP needs to know about religious persecution and what you can do to help
Why your new MP needs to know about religious persecution and what you can do to help
Another election, another Prime Minister. And if you are reading this in the UK, you may well have a new MP. He or she will have a million and one things on their mind right now and plenty of people vying for their attention.
Pakistan Reverses Ban on Passports for Asylum Seekers - Morningstar News
Pakistan Reverses Ban on Passports for Asylum Seekers - Morningstar News
Pakistani Christians who have fled the country due to persecution were relieved to hear the government has reversed its decision to stop issuing or renewing passports to those seeking asylum abroad.
Nigeria’s Christians “still targeted on a daily basis”: Catholic Priest on Persecution
Nigeria’s Christians “still targeted on a daily basis”: Catholic Priest on Persecution
The Director of Mission and Dialogue at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) has expressed concern about persistent Christian persecution in the West African nation, where he says followers of Jesus Christ are targeted.
Standing with Armenian Christians a Moral, Spiritual Mandate - Newsmax

Eight Christians Killed in Plateau State, Nigeria  - Morningstar News
Eight Christians Killed in Plateau State, Nigeria  - Morningstar News
Suspected Fulani herdsmen killed eight Christians, including two children, and wounded four others in attacks on three villages last week in a district of Plateau state, Nigeria, sources said.
Write to believers in Mexico 
Write to believers in Mexico 
Send a letter to our persecuted church family in Oaxaca, Chiapas, Jalisco and Nayarit to encourage them in their faith.
General Synod digest: Day of prayer and action for suffering Christians endorsed
General Synod digest: Day of prayer and action for suffering Christians endorsed
A DAY of prayer and action for the persecuted Church was endorsed by the General Synod after a debat...
We Need Your Help | Breaking the Chains of Poverty Through Education - International Christian Concern
When you first think about persecution, it's likely that incidents of violence or harassment spring to mind. However, when you pull back the surface layer, you find that the issue has much deeper roots. Around the world, believers are denied a quality education because of their faith. In turn, this leaves them stuck in a cycle of low-paying, menial jobs that are then handed down to their children. With your support, we developed our Hope House and Generation Transformation programs to help persecuted believers break this cycle of poverty. We are raising $100,000 this month to add 10 new Hope House programs around the world. Will you prayerfully consider giving today?
Christian Leaders in Nigeria Respond to Gwoza Attacks - Christian News Network

Christian Woman Brutally Murdered in Chhattisgarh: Religious Intolerance Escalates

Christian gunned down by Muslims in Pakistan - Release International
Christian gunned down by Muslims in Pakistan - Release International
Release International is an inter-denominational Christian ministry working through local church partners in more than 25 countries, helping persecuted
INDIA Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh: Christians still targeted - AsiaNews

Aid to the Church in Need | The Persecuted Church at Home and Abroad
Aid to the Church in Need | The Persecuted Church at Home and Abroad
The Persecuted Church at Home and Abroad  Aid to the Church in Need
200+ arrested, including children - Release International
200+ arrested, including children - Release International
Eritrea has stepped up its campaign against Christians, arresting 218 in the past 12 months – some along with their children. This latest crackdown means that a…
Activists: Biden Stepping Aside Brings 'Hope' to Persecuted Christians
Activists: Biden Stepping Aside Brings 'Hope' to Persecuted Christians
International Christian Concern said that Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 race sparks "hope for a renaissance in religious freedom."

God Is Love - 1 John 4:7-21